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JSTE examples

Producing HTML output.
Template code Output
    var aList = [
        { month: "January", dayCount: 31 },
        { month: "February", dayCount: 28 },
        { month: "March", dayCount: 31 }
    for (var i = 0; i < aList.length; i++) {
      <td><%= aList[i].month %></td>
      <td><%= aList[i].dayCount %></td>




Producing CSV (comma-separated values) output.
Notice the adherence to spaces in the input template.
Template code Output
ID,First name,Last name<%          
    var aList = [
        { id: 1, firstName: "Sharon", lastName: "Sharalike"},
        { id: 2, firstName: "Justin",   lastName: "Case"},
        { id: 3, firstName: "Eileen",   lastName: "Dover"}

    for (var i = 0; i < aList.length; i++) {
${aList[i].id},${aList[i].firstName},${aList[i].lastName}<% } %>
ID,First name,Last name
Use of document.write() and document.include().
This is an (admittedly contrived) example that writes the contents of three files to the output, with separators between them.
  var files = [ "file1.txt", "file2.txt", "file3.js"];
  for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      document.write ("Content of file " + i + " [" + files[i] + "]\n");
      document.include (files[i]);
Using Java objects.
This example illustrates the interaction between the Java environment and Javascript code in the template. Notice how the templateContext object is populated with arbitrary Java objects.
Java code Template code
// Create a template instance from myFile.html
Template t = new Template ("myFile.html");
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter (System.out);

// Create a templateContext
Map aMap = new HashMap();

// Fill it with some simple objects
aMap.put ("number", new Integer (433));
aMap.put ("aString", "This is a string.");

// Add some structured objects
List aList = new ArrayList();
aList.add ("Foo");
aList.add (937);
aMap.put ("aList", aList);
Map anotherMap = new HashMap();
aMap.put ("subMap", anotherMap);
anotherMap.put ("date", new Date());
aMap.put ("anArray", new Object[] {5, 13, new Date(), 11});

// Expand the template, with aMap as templateContext
t.expand (aMap, writer);
  // Extract a Map value as a Javascript property
  document.write (templateContext.aString + "\n");

  // Invoke the java Date.getMonth method on a nested
  // object property. Notice the convenient way of accessing
  // key values in nested maps.
  document.write ("Month: " +
                  templateContext.subMap.date.getMonth() + "\n");

  // Iterate over a list
  var n = templateContext.aList.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      document.write (templateContext.aList[i] + "\n");

  // Iterate over an array
  n = templateContext.anArray.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      document.write (templateContext.anArray[i] + "\n");